Friday, February 10, 2012

Welcome to QSL Watch

Welcome to QSL Watch

Like you, we are great lovers of HAM Radio, DX and QSLing. Being top DX’ers or a simple casual players in the game, we like to have confirmation for the QSO we maid, either by paper QSL or an electronic mean. If the quest for the DXCC Honor Roll or other diplomas could be a tough game, it is nonetheless important to keep it on a real radioamateur spirit.

That is the aim of this web site, to keep QSLing a true HAM spirit thing. How can you help us? Two ways :

Give your feedback about QSL policy of DX stations and expeditions. Tell the world the QSL you received and how you feel about it. This is also a mean to say thank you to this rare DX station who kindely send you a really nice QSL card or made it confirmed in Logbook of the World right after the final TU es 73.
Share your experience about QSL managers. How much do they ask for postage return? Are they kind or rude when you ask for a log check? Did they spend one year before answering?
We all know that DXpeditions are expensive projects, but once you get on the air this all thing should still be a hobby and not be restricted by money.

If you’d like to help us, first create an account (in order to protect our database from scammers we do not allow unregistered reviews), add an entry to the database (DX station or QSL manager) and then write you review about it.

Last thing, please do keep in mind that this web site is still in a beta version. We will try to improve it as you give us your feedback and comments.

73 es GL,
Freddy de J28RO/F5IRO & Yan de XV4Y

About US
QSL Watch is now run by :

Freddy J28RO (F5IRO) as content manager,
Yannick XV4Y as technical manager.

Freddy will turn 39 years old next year and has been licensed in 1992 when he was 19 years old. When he was living in Troyes in France he was mostly using the F6KJG radio-club callsign, then F5KAB from the 43e régiment de transmissions and F5KIN from the 28° régiment de transmissions starting from 1996. Working for the french Forces Armées, he is a long time DX’er with activities from FR FM FY FK FG FO TO4E (Europa island) TO7R (Salut island) TO8S (Les Saintes) et FT5GA (Les Glorieuses). Freddy is currently staying in J2 (Djibouti) for 2 years. He prefers CW using SSB from time to time and Digimodes only for testing purpose.

Yannick is now 34 years old and has been first licensed when he was 17 years old as F1TUJ and find interests in all the topics covered by amateur radio. DXing, kits building and enhancement, antenna experimentation are among his preferred. Yannick operates mostly CW even if he is quite new to this mode, still do some SSB during contests and Digimodes for QRP experimentations. Native from Lille in the north of France, he is now running a bed and breakfast in the Mekong Delta (Viêt-Nam) with his wife and its two kids.

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