RSGB Centenary 2013
RSGB Centenary Morse Key
As part of the RSGB Centenary celebrations we are producing a special RSGB Centenary Morse Key to commemorate the event
Made by Vibroplex, one of the world’s leading Morse key manufacturers since 1890, this model is not available elsewhere. Based on the popular Iambic paddle key design, this unique key will be fully functional and a handsome addition to anyone’s shack.
Member’s Price: £159.00
Non-member’s price: £189.00
RSGB Centenary 2013
The Society is celebrating its Centenary with a programme of exciting events; the following links will provide background and details of the full range of events.
RSGB Centenary 2013 Events
Gx100RSGB Special Event Station
RSGB Centenary Award 2013
Construction Competition
Centenary “Convention-on-the-Road”
Events to be announced nearer to the time
Anniversary Day commemorative event, Friday 5 July 2013
BBQ-on-the-air – a country wide event, linked by radio
Centenary kite aerial events
Centenary lecture at the IET
Centenary events at DARC HamRadio, Friedrichshafen
RSGB Centenary Convention, 11-13 October 2013
National Hamfest, 27 and 28 September 2013
Events for January 2013
The Centenary Year will be inaugurated by our President, Dave Wilson, M0OBW, operating G100RSGB from Region 3 (North West England) where a number of affiliated clubs will operate G100RSGB or GD100RSGB during the Region’s 28 day period.
Further details of these operations on these pages.
Events for February and March 2013
At the moment, we are seeking more applications for these periods.
Clubs or groups who would like to operate the GM100RSGB or G100RSGB station from Scotland North and the Northern Isles in February 2013 and North East England in March 2013, please contact your Regional Manager or Rob Harwood, Chairman of the Centenary Working Group, directly.
We need to submit the full details to Ofcom before Christmas.
The “Convention-of-the-Air” selection of talks, etc, should be available.
Contact information
RSGB Centenary Special Event Station
Ofcom have agreed to what is a very special arrangement for the use of the Special Event Station call sign Gx100RSGB, where x is replaced by the secondary location identifier, M, W, I, D, U and J, etc.
The very special nature of the SES is that we are allowed to operate the call at a number of different locations in sequence through the year.
The licence plan approved is for thirteen 28 day periods, allowing each RSGB Region to operate the Special Event Station against a rota, see the table below;
1st Jan - 28th Jan 3 NW England & Isle of Man
29th Jan - 25th Feb 2 North Scotland
26th Feb – 25th Mar 4 NE England
26th Mar – 22nd Apr 11 SW England
23rd Apr – 20th May 10 S & SE England & Channel Islands
21st May – 17th Jun 7 South Wales
19th Jun – 15th Jul 9 London & Thames Valley
16th Jul – 12th Aug 12 East of England & East Anglia
13th Aug – 9th Sep 6 North Wales
10th Sep – 7th Oct 13 East Midlands
8th Oct – 4th Nov 5 West Midlands
5th Nov – 2nd Dec 1 South Scotland
3rd Dec – 31st Dec 8 Northern Ireland
Within each 28 day period in a Region, the SES may be operated by different clubs or groups, again on a fixed rota that is agreed with Ofcom at least 28 days in advance.
To add some fun to the operation contacts we have a related Centenary Award that will create some fun and activity throughout the year.
To help you contact or listen to the Special Event Station we will maintain a Gx100RSGB Calendar, showing the dates, locations, who is operating the station and likely bands and modes.
Applying for a position in the Gx100RSGB rota
BBQ-on-the-air – a country wide event, linked by radio
Centenary kite aerial events
Centenary lecture at the IET
Centenary events at DARC HamRadio, Friedrichshafen
RSGB Centenary Convention, 11-13 October 2013
National Hamfest, 27 and 28 September 2013
Events for January 2013
The Centenary Year will be inaugurated by our President, Dave Wilson, M0OBW, operating G100RSGB from Region 3 (North West England) where a number of affiliated clubs will operate G100RSGB or GD100RSGB during the Region’s 28 day period.
Further details of these operations on these pages.
Events for February and March 2013
At the moment, we are seeking more applications for these periods.
Clubs or groups who would like to operate the GM100RSGB or G100RSGB station from Scotland North and the Northern Isles in February 2013 and North East England in March 2013, please contact your Regional Manager or Rob Harwood, Chairman of the Centenary Working Group, directly.
We need to submit the full details to Ofcom before Christmas.
The “Convention-of-the-Air” selection of talks, etc, should be available.
Contact information
For further information or for volunteering to help develop or support any of the above events please contact John Gould, G3WKL on centenary
RSGB Centenary Special Event Station
Ofcom have agreed to what is a very special arrangement for the use of the Special Event Station call sign Gx100RSGB, where x is replaced by the secondary location identifier, M, W, I, D, U and J, etc.
The very special nature of the SES is that we are allowed to operate the call at a number of different locations in sequence through the year.
The licence plan approved is for thirteen 28 day periods, allowing each RSGB Region to operate the Special Event Station against a rota, see the table below;
1st Jan - 28th Jan 3 NW England & Isle of Man
29th Jan - 25th Feb 2 North Scotland
26th Feb – 25th Mar 4 NE England
26th Mar – 22nd Apr 11 SW England
23rd Apr – 20th May 10 S & SE England & Channel Islands
21st May – 17th Jun 7 South Wales
19th Jun – 15th Jul 9 London & Thames Valley
16th Jul – 12th Aug 12 East of England & East Anglia
13th Aug – 9th Sep 6 North Wales
10th Sep – 7th Oct 13 East Midlands
8th Oct – 4th Nov 5 West Midlands
5th Nov – 2nd Dec 1 South Scotland
3rd Dec – 31st Dec 8 Northern Ireland
Within each 28 day period in a Region, the SES may be operated by different clubs or groups, again on a fixed rota that is agreed with Ofcom at least 28 days in advance.
To add some fun to the operation contacts we have a related Centenary Award that will create some fun and activity throughout the year.
To help you contact or listen to the Special Event Station we will maintain a Gx100RSGB Calendar, showing the dates, locations, who is operating the station and likely bands and modes.
Applying for a position in the Gx100RSGB rota
The purpose of this Award is to encourage every Radio Amateur to get on the air and celebrate the RSGB’s Centenary in 2013.
The Awards are offered in four categories, a Basic and an Advance award for both the VHF/UHF bands and the HF Bands. Each award requires you to work the Gx100RSGB Special Event Stations (SES) in a given number of RSGB Regions. Only one SES contact per Region counts towards this aspect of the award. There are a total of 13 RSGB Regions.
The Award requirements have been set as follows:
VHF/UHF Basic = 3 Regions
VHF/UHF Gold = 6 Regions
HF Basic = 7 Regions
HF Gold = 10 Regions
In addition to the minimum SES Regional contacts each award requires you to gain a number of points which are collected by working other stations. Points are available as follows:
The first contact with Gx100RSGB in each Region (1 point). Any band within either the VHF/UHF or HF category may be used, but subsequent contacts with the SES in the same Region does not count as an additional Regional contact, but such contacts may qualify for a different UK IOTA, UK Locator, UK DXCC, etc.
The first contact with a UK IOTA entity on each band (1 point).
On VHF/UHF only
o First contact with a UK DXCC entity on each band (1 point)
o First contact with each IARU Locator Square on each band (1 point)
On HF only
o First contact with each Commonwealth Country on each band (1 point)
o First contact with each of the ITU Zones on each band (1 point)
So, your first contact with a UK station on VHF will give you 1 for the UK IOTA, 1 for the UK DXCC and 1 for the Locator Square = 3 points. Work the same station on another band and that is another 3 points. Work another station in the same IOTA and DXCC but a different Locator = 1 point. Work that station again on another band and you have another point.
This may seem a little complicated but once you have made a few contacts it will all become very clear. A spreadsheet will be available to record your contacts. This will have columns for each of the various points and it will add up your cumulative score as you go.
The Awards are available for SWLs—where the rules below stipulate contacts please read as reception reports for SWL claims.
Single band entries will be accepted providing the applicant makes the required point totals. All entrants can use either multi-mode or single according to choice and certificates will be endorsed accordingly. Note that 60m and bands at 23cm and above are excluded from the challenge.
Activity check sheets in MS EXCEL Spreadsheet format have been created with some “help” comments to enable easy application. In addition an entry spreadsheet for each scoring group by band is provided to enable easy crossing checking throughout the year-long award period.No QSL card confirmations are required.
Requirements for the Awards
Detailed requirements for the VHF/UHF Awards
Detailed requirements for the HF Awards
Check Sheet and claiming your Award
Centenary Award Check Sheet (113KB Excel spreadsheet)
RSGB Centenary HF Awards
HF Bands from 160m through 10m (exc 60m) may be used in accordance to your licence conditions. This award adds additional scope for progressing with the existing RSGB lifetime achievement Commonwealth Series and the Worked ITU Zones Awards.
Each HF Award uses contacts with the
Regional SES Gx100RSGB in each of the 13 Regions
24 UK IOTA Islands
138 Commonwealth Call areas
77 ITU Zones
Basic HF Award
This award requires the claimant to have accumulated 250 points; scored on the basis of 1 point per QSO with any UK IOTA Islands, any Commonwealth Call areas and ITU Zones on any mix of bands, and must include QSOs with the Regional SES in at least 7 different Regions.
Gold HF Award
This more challenging award requires the claimant to have accumulated 450 points, as for the Basic award, but including QSOs with the Regional SES in at least 10 different Regions.
This award requires the claimant to have accumulated 250 points; scored on the basis of 1 point per QSO with any UK IOTA Islands, any Commonwealth Call areas and ITU Zones on any mix of bands, and must include QSOs with the Regional SES in at least 7 different Regions.
Gold HF Award
This more challenging award requires the claimant to have accumulated 450 points, as for the Basic award, but including QSOs with the Regional SES in at least 10 different Regions.
RSGB Centenary Award – HF Scoring Guidance
The Basic and Gold HF Awards both require the collection of contacts (or reports for SWLs) with the Gx100RSGB as it moves between the RSGB Regions and any combination of points gained from multiple band contacts with UK IOTA Islands, Commonwealth Countries and ITU Zones.
To demonstrate how thie works let’s assume that our first contact in 2013, was with a fictitious VE3XZY. This contact, which was made at 0034z has the leading zeros omitted in the time column. The contact will score a point for a new CCC on 160m as well as a new ITU Zone (Zone 4) on 160m. The total score is thus two: hus two:
For the next contact, we will assume that we have worked the Gx100RSGB SES on 80m:
Here, since it is our first contact with the Gx100RSGB SES we can claim our Regional point (as it will have operated from RSGB Region 3 between 1st and 28th Jan), but we can also claim for an 80m UK IOTA (assumed EU-005), an 80m CCC and and 80m ITU Zone (Zone 27). Bringing the total score to six.
The next contact is the fictitious MM9AAA, which we assume for this example operates from the Shetland Isles, so can claim a point for a new 80m UK IOTA (EU-012) as well as new CCC (GM), bringing the score to eight:score to eight:
The next contact is another contact with G100RSGB, which by then will be operating from various locations within RGSB Region 4 (North East England). Thus, we can claim a point for Region 4, as well as a point for a new 20m UK IOTA (EU-005) – our earlier contact with EU-005 was on 80m – and also similarly points for the 20m CCC and 20m ITU Zone 27. This brings the total score to 13:
The final example is the contact with the station in Guernsey:
Here, we can claim a point for a new 80m UK IOTA (EU-114) as well as a new 80m CCC, but not a new ITU Zone, as Zone 27 was previously claimed for 80m with the G100RSGB contact on 1st Jan. This brings the total to 15 points.
Further help
Further help can be gained by completing the relevant Check Sheet, where one is able to keep a tally of the Regions contacted, as well as the Locator Squares, IOTA and DXCC entities that have been work on a per band basis.
It may seem complex, but you’ll soon get the hang of it, and it should keep you occupied throughout the year, especially to gain some of those final RSGB Regions!
Queries, etc, can be directed to awards