The 60th W9DXCC DX Convention and Banquet
September 14-15, 2012
Holiday Inn-Elk Grove Village
1000 Busse Rd.
Elk Grove Village IL 60007
W9DXCC is pleased to announce that W9DXCC 2012 will feature presentations on the recent T32C and upcoming HK0NA DXpeditions as part of our program. Please be sure to visit the website and our Programslink for updates.
Thank you for visiting our website. The W9DXCC convention has a rich tradition, dating back to 1953 when 35 DXCC certificate holders met at the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago for a short program and dinner. The conference has grown to over a full day of DX activities, and registrations now exceed 200. 2012 will mark the 60th annual W9DXCC Convention. We are pleased to announce that Paula Uscian K9IR wil chair this year's event.
New this year - "DX'ing From the Black Hole" - a series of presentations for the beginning DX'er on Friday afternoon. Click here for details.
Convention activities begin with a welcome reception in the atrium of the hotel, followed by a hospitality suite hosted by the Northern Illinois DX Association, the sponsoring organization. On Saturday morning, the registration desk opens at 8 AM, and the program begins promptly at 9 AM, led by our own inimitable Jim O’Connell W9WU, who has now been introducing our speakers and providing an entertaining day for over 30 years.
There will be a break around noon for lunch. There is an attractive restaurant in the hotel, and other food opportunities are available nearby. The W9D Special Event Station will also be available during the break.
Following a full day of programs, we will have the Raffle Prize Drawing. Tickets are $5 each and may be purchased with your registration or at the convention. All proceeds are used by the Northern California DX Foundation and the Northern Illinois DX Association to fund significant DXpeditions. At 5 PM we will again hold a CW pileup contest. Many of us find this to be a humbling experience, as the callsigns come flying at you off the tape. See how you compare to some of the best CW operators in our hobby! The 2011 pileup contest was won by Jon WO9S. Congratulations Jon!
To see items with this graphic, click here |
Next is socializing in the Atrium, followed by the Grand Banquet. We are honored to have as our 2012 banquet speaker noted DX'er and contester Fred Laun, K3ZO. The banquet also features the presentation of the W9DXCC Ham of the Year Award. The 2011
Following the banquet, head to the Late Saturday Hospitality Suite, sponsored by the Greater Milwaukee DX Association.
A word about the location - since 2004 the W9DXCC convention has been held at the Holiday Inn in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. This site is conveniently located just a few miles west of O’Hare International Airport, and easily reached by auto, only a mile south of I-90, on Illinois Route 83. Free parking is available as well as free shuttle service to and from O’Hare. Reservations at our special rate can be made through the on-line link.
Please review the other tabs for more information. You won’t want to miss this one!
We look forward to seeing you in September.
73 – The 2012 W9DXCC Committee
DX Basics
DXing from the "Black Hole"
Presented by the Northern Illinois DX Association in conjunction with the 2012 W9DXCC.
Presentations will be given in four sessions during the afternoon of Friday September 14, prior to W9DXCC.
Presentations are intended for inexperienced but “eager” DX’ers. Dxing basics will be covered, including what is DXing, stations and antennas, QSLing and record keeping, awards and of course how to work DX.
Registration and cost details are here.
Presentations by*:
Mike K9AJ
John K9EL
Jack W9MU
*Presenters may change due to unforeseen circumstances
Schedule of Events
Friday September 14
1:00 - 5:00 PM - DX Basics Class
7:30 PM - Registration Open
7:30 PM - Welcome Reception
10:00 PM - Hospitality Suite Hosted by Northern Illinois DX Association
Saturday September 15
8:00 AM - Registration Opens
9:00 AM - Program Begins - Master of Ceremonies - Jim O'Connell, W9WU
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Program Resumes
4:45 PM - Raffle Prize Drawing
5:00 PM - CW Copying Contest
5:30 PM - Reception - Hosted by Northern Illinois DX Association
6:30 PM - Grand Banquet and Grand Prize Drawing
- Banquet Speaker - Fred Laun K3ZO
- Presentation of 2012 W9DXCC Ham of the Year Award
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