Jacek SP5EAQ DX-pedition to Tonga
Jacek, SP5EAQ will be QRV as A3EAQ from Tongatapu in the Kingdom of Tonga from the26th March to the 15th April 2013. Tongatapu counts as OC-049 for IOTA purposes. QSL via home call (direct or bureau). Jacek's prior DX-peditions include T30AQ, 3D2MJ, ZL7/SP5EAQ and ZA/SP5EAQ. He is the holder of DXCC #1 Honor Roll Phone.
I will be active on SSB only on all bands 80-10 meters. I am happy to meet all the costs of the DX-pedition, but I am seeking sponsorship and donations from individuals, DX clubs and organizations towards any excess baggage charges, printing QSLs and similar expenses. To make a donation, please click below. If you are abroad, select payment by PayPal (donations by credit card are possible only from Polish bank accounts).
Jacek SP5EAQ

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