Asia Pacific DX Convention, Osaka-Japan, November 2-4,2012
We are pleased to announce that the 4th Asia Pacific DX Convention will be held at Osaka International House in Osaka, Japan on November 2 through 4, 2012. The program details will be announced on this website as they become available. Please check back often for updates on APDXC 2012. Photos and presentation videos from the 2005, 2008 and 2010 APDXCs are also on the website. Take a look and see how a great time was had by all at the previous conventions. We are looking forward to welcoming you at APDXC 2012.
In a pileup on a really rare DX station, a 1- or 2-dB weaker signal than your competition can really test your patience trying to break through for a QSO. And if you are a "Little Gun" with modest antennas, you can easily be down two S-Units (12 dB) compared to a "Big Gun" superstation with huge stacks on tall towers.
So how does your Little Gun station actually do covering a wide geographic area ? such as all of Europe? Can you reasonably expect to have fun calling CQ with a modest station?
The answer is that you most certainly can! N6BV analyzes in detail the ability of even small stations to successfully work DX and domestic contests.
Glenn has participated in several rare and remote DXpeditions, five of which have been DXpedition of the Year. He is giving us a presentation of the most recent DXpedition of the year, HK0NA with the team leader HK1R Jorse.

More about W0GJ Glenn Johnson - Clike here
When a group of amateur radio operators (JH3AEF Tojo, JA3VWT Nakano, JA3IVU Kitai) landed in a country called Burkina Faso located in the heart of West Africa, it was not a simple trip of discovery. Deploying some impressive antennas in a small town called Kampti in southwestern Burkina, it was to be one of many DX expeditions in rare lands. Hugo will explain why this DX activity contributes effectively to the changing environment.
N6BV covers the basic principles of HF ionospheric propagation in the first half of this presentation, followed by advanced topics dealing with propagation predictions.
Detailed tables showing predictions from Osaka are introduced, and then area-coverage mapping techniques are demonstrated.
"Exotic" propagation paths, such as long-path, skew-path, grayline and Sporadic-E, are also explored in some detail.

More about N6BV Dean Straw - Clike here
Detailed tables showing predictions from Osaka are introduced, and then area-coverage mapping techniques are demonstrated.
"Exotic" propagation paths, such as long-path, skew-path, grayline and Sporadic-E, are also explored in some detail.
"What is important to you? What is the most gain (dB) you can get for an investment? How to save your marriage and how to be a happy & successful with an effective station. Some new and ractical ideas to make the most with what you have. Do you like hamburgers? If so, you will LOVE this talk!!! Please pass the ketchup." 

More about W0GJ Glenn Johnson - Clike
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