HF propagation prediction tool for Amateur Radio
System Requirements
- 600 MHz Pentium II CPU;
- 64 Mb RAM;
- 16-bit or 32-bit color video card.
- Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/7;
- VOACAP (a.k.a. itshfbc, a.k.a. hfwin32).
Installation and Configuration
- Download HamCAP.zip from the Downloads section of this web site, unzip and run Setup.exe. Follow the on-screen instructions;
- download VOACAP from this web site: www.greg-hand.com
- install VOACAP. You will not have to run VOACAP directly, Ham CAP will use it behind the scenes;
- run Ham CAP from the Windows Start menu, click on the Settings tab, and enter your latitude and longitude;
- click on the Ant tab, select the appropriate antennas, verify the antenna patterns.
You are now ready to use Ham CAP.
Area coverage map
Area coverage map in pseudo-colors
Signal-to-Noise Ratio vs. time and frequency
Antenna selection page
On-line Interactive Maps
If you are planning on a DXpedition, consider adding an interactive propagation map to your web site (see example). To create the map:
- configure HamCap (set your QTH, year, month, SSN, antenna types, etc.);
- right-click on the map and click on Pre-Compute Maps in the popup menu;
- wait until all maps are computed. Depending on your CPU speed, this may take from 10 to 40 min.;
- right-click on the map holding the Ctrl button down to open the popup menu with advanced commands, and click on Generate GIF's. HamCap will create a set of GIF files, with hourly propagation maps for each band. The maps will be stored in the \Gifs subdirectory of the HamCap directory;
- download the
HTML script for map browsing, and modify it to match the style of your web site;
- upload the script and the images to the web server and place them in the same directory.
After the expedition, please search your logs for "VE3NEA" and send me your QSL if I worked you ;-)
(click to enlarge)
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