Between 20 September and 15 October 2013 Stan, LZ1GC & Rocky 3D2DD will be QRV on all HF bands, using CW & SSB from:

2.ROTUMA ISL., IOTA OC-060 with call sign: 3D2GC/P & 3D2DD/P
Your small donation is more than welcome!
See you on the bands!
It is very expensive DX Pedition for me with total cost more than $7000. The main idea to be back to Rotuma island is to give a chance and QSO's to those of you who need this rear country on the bands! I'll QRV on CW & SSB on all HF bands!
Between 20 September 2013 and 15 October 2013 Stan, LZ1GC will be QRV on all HF bands - CW/SSB from FIJI REPUBLIC - 3D2GC and ROTUMA ISL. - 3D2GC/P.
Our plans:
1. From 20 September 2013 until 26 September 2013 activity on all bands/160 - 6 meters/ from "Club Fiji Resort", Nadi, Fiji Republic, Viti Levu Isl., IOTA OC-016, Grid. Loc . RH82QF. The activity will on CW/SSB with equipment: Kenwood TS- 480 SAT + linear amplifier ACOM 1010/ACOM 1000. The antennas: EXP. GP 10- 40m., 80/160 meters INV. - L, GP.
2. From 27 September 2013 until 11 October 2013 Activity from IOTA OC-060,Rotuma Isl. - 3D2GC/P on all HF bands, CW/SSB. On Rotuma Isl. Stan will be together with Rocky, 3D2DD. Rocky will also QRV, but only on SSB with call sign 3D2DD/P. This DX Pedition will be available with the big help of Rocky, 3D2DD who take care for all organizations and transportation to Rotuma Island.
3. From 12 October 2013 until 15 October 2013 Activity again from Fiji Republic - 3D2GC. On 16 October 2013 Stan, LZ1GC will go back to Bulgaria.
QSL info
3D2GC and 3D2GC/P QSL information is via LZ1GC / DIRECT or BUREAU /.
The cost of POSTAGES for DIRECT QSL is 2.5 USD / 2.0 EURO.
If You have PAYPAL, please use it to send money for postages. Please use GIFT/PERSONAL option.Then I not need your QSL and please send me only QSO details for checking!
My PAYPAL address is: LZ1GC@ABV.BG
If You use LZ1GC QRZ.COM ADDRESS, then send your QSL, self addressed envelope + 1 IRC.
NOTE:Do not send US DOLLARS in the letter, because then I will never receive your letter !
3D2DD and 3D2DD/P QSL via INFO in QRZ.COM
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