***** South East Asia Net Convention *****
To promote two-way amateur radio communications within the SEANET region and between the SEANET region and the rest of the world.
From 1200UTC Saturday to 1200UTC Sunday on the first full weekend in June each year.
In 2013, the dates are: Starts: 1200UTC on 01 June 2013, Ends: 1200UTC on 02 June 2013 (duration 24 hours).
80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands (no WARC bands).
Frequencies should be used as appropriate to the mode and station licence but it is suggested that activity should be centred around the following frequencies where possible, so that it is easy to find SEANET Stations:
CW: 3525, 7025, 14025, 21025, 28025.
SSB: 3540 (for Thailand), 3790, 7090, 14320, 21320, 28320.
Only CW or SSB may be used.
5.1. Single operator (SEANET)
5.2. Multi-operator (SEANET)
5.3. Single operator (Rest of the World)
5.4. Multi-operator (Rest Bof the World).
Both single-operator and multi-operator stations may use any or all bands (10 - 80m) and any or all modes (CW, SSB).
All stations may use Internet or Packet Clusterespottingf. Any number of transceivers or receivers may be used, but only one signal may be transmitted at any one time (there is noeMulti-TwoforeMulti-Multifcategory).
As stipulated in the regulations governing the licence of the station.
RS(T) report plus serial number starting with 001.
8.1. SEANET Stations may contact Rest of the World stations and SEANET Stations, including those within their own country.
8.2. Rest of the World stations may only contact SEANET Stations.
For the purpose of this contest a gSEANET Stationh is defined as one operating from the following DXCC entities:
4S, 4W, 8Q, 9M/DX0 (Spratly), 9M2, 9M6/8, 9N, 9V, A5, BS7, BV, BV9P,BY, DU, H4, HL/DS, HS/E2, JA, JD1/M, JD1/O, KH0, KH2, P2, P5, S2, T8, V6, V8, VK, VK9C, VK9X, VR2, VU, VU4, VU7, XU, XV/3W, XW, XX9, XY, YB.
These are all the DXCC entities in CQ Zones 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. Note: The definition of a SEANET Station is based on its DXCC entity, not the CQ Zone, therefore VK stations located in Zone 30 and BY stations located in Zone 23 also count as multipliers. Not included as multipliers are Antarctica in Zone 29, or other DXCC entities that happen to be in Zones 23 and 30.
9.1. Points:
All valid QSOs count 1 point per QSO.
Note: Only one contact is allowed on each band with the same station (not one contact on each mode).
9.2. Multipliers:
SEANET Stations claim one multiplier for each DXCC entity worked on each band, including those in the SEANET region and in their own country.
Rest of the World stations can only claim multipliers for DXCC entities within the SEANET region: see the entity list above. Each multiplier counts once on each band (not mode).
9.3. Score:
The total number of QSO points multiplied by the total number of multipliers worked.
10.1. Contacts on cross modes or cross bands will not count.
10.2. Operators are not allowed to transmit more than one signal at any one time.
10.3. Entries which contain errors or unmarked duplicates are liable to a reduction of points.
10.4. Any entrant who uses methods contrary to the spirit of the contest may be subject to disqualification.
10.5. The decision of the SEANET contest organisers shall be final.
11.1. Entries may be in the form of hand-written logs with a summary sheet or, preferably, by computer log also with a summary sheet.
11.2. Information required for each claimed contact is:
Date, Time (UTC), Band, Mode (CW / SSB ), Report sent (RS [T]) serial number, Report received (RS[T]) serial number, Claimed multipliers.
Duplicate contacts should be logged but marked clearly as duplicates (gDupeh) and scored at zero points.
11.3. Both hand-written and computerised logs must be accompanied by a Summary Sheet listing the claimed multipliers on each band, the number of claimed contacts and multipliers per band, the final claimed score, and a declaration that the station was operated within the terms of the station licence and the rules and spirit of the contest.
11.4. Computer logs can be in any ASCII (text) format, including eCabrillof. Please do not send binary (.bin) files. The Summary Sheet should also be in ASCII / text format.
Note: It is recommended that entries be made using any standard contest logging program in eARRL DX Contestf mode as if you were a North American station and then scored manually. Manual scoring is very easy: it is simply the number of valid QSOs multiplied by the total number of multipliers. Almost every contest logging program supports the ARRL DX Contest and using this contest format allows the received serial number to be easily logged in place of the received power level. If you do not already have a contest logging program you may download CT by K1EA free of charge from www.k1ea.com
11.5. Computer logs must be sent by e-mail by 01.July 2013 to:
(E-mail to seanet@arion.ocn.ne.jp)
11.6. Hand-written logs should be sent by air-mail post to:
(1-1-3-202, Azabudai Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0041 JAPAN.)
› SEANET Contest 2013
Entries should be received not later than 01.July 2013.
A certificate will be awarded to the highest-scoring entry in each category.
If the level of entries warrants it, runner-up certificates will also be presented.
Additional awards may be made at the discretion of the SEANET contest organisers.
The results will be announced at the SEANET 2013 Convention and will be published on the SEANET 2013 website.
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