Nicaragua, officially the Republic of Nicaragua , is the largest country in the Central American isthmus, bordering Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south. The country is situated between 11 and 14 degrees north of the Equator in the Northern Hemisphere, which places it entirely within the tropics.

The Pacific Ocean lies to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The country's physical geography divides it into three major zones: Pacific lowlands; wet, cooler central highlands; and the Caribbean lowlands. On the Pacific side of the country are the two largest fresh water lakes in Central America—Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua. Surrounding these lakes and extending to their northwest along the rift valley of the Gulf of Fonseca are fertile lowland plains, with soil highly enriched by ash from nearby volcanoes of the central highlands. Nicaragua's abundance of biologically significant and unique ecosystems contribute to Mesoamerica's designation as a biodiversity hotspot.
The population of Nicaragua, approximately 6 million, is multiethnic. Its capital, Managua, is the third-largest city in Central America. Segments of the population include indigenous native tribes from the Mosquito Coast, Europeans, Africans, Asians, and people of Middle Eastern origin. The main language is Spanish, although native tribes on the eastern coast speak their native languages, such as Miskito, Sumo, and Rama, as well as English Creole. The mixture of cultural traditions has generated substantial diversity in art and literature, particularly the latter given the various literary contributions of Nicaraguan writers, including Rubén Darío and Ernesto Cardenal. The biological diversity, warm tropical climate, and active volcanoes make Nicaragua an increasingly popular tourist destination.
We are very glad to inform our Team to our next adventure in Nicaragua.
Experience operators from 4A4A Revillagigedo 2011 Dxpedition, XX9E and others.
We have 3 CW operators, Javi EA5KM, Fer EA5FX and Eugen EA5HPX.
For SSB / RTTY Fran EA7FTR, Jose EA1ACP and Carlos EA1DVY.
Our Pilot Ismael EA1AZ.
Thank you for looking and keep in touch with our news.
TX/RX 3 x IC 7000
1 X I706MK2G
ANTENNAS CW/SSB CAMP 160M - Spiderbeam 18m fibreglass mast - Inverted L 1/4 Vertical
80M - Spiderbeam 18m fibreglass mast - 1/4 Wave Vertical
40M - 2 Element Moxon Beam and 1/4 Vertical
30M - 1/4 Wave Vertical
17/12M - Optibeam OB4-2WARC
6M - Optibeam OB-5-6
1 x Steppir BigIR MK3 Vertical 80m-6m
1 x Spiderbeam 20m-10m 5 band Yagi´s
The QSL Manager is EB7DX:
David Liañez Fernández
PO Box 163
21080 Huelva
For all direct request, please send a self addressed envelope with:
2 US$ , (1 IRC + 1 USD) or 1 Euro for all destinations.
NOT IN LOG?If you cannot find your callsign in the LOG but are sure to have a valid contact, please send your request to EB7DX after carefully checking the QSO details (date, time, band and mode) with our operators.
Every request will be considered in order to debug any possible log entry error.
Thank you for your understanding
All QSOs will be confirmed via LOTW.
Spanish QSL Bureau.
"Online QSL Request System (OQRS) will be available for direct and bureau QSL requests".
Yes we LOTW ...
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