Legends of Amateur Radio - Biographies, Expeditions, Picture Galleries
Who is a "prominent" radio operator? A king, a state president, prime minister, or sultan? A pop-singer, Nobel-prize-winner, or jazz musician? A polar explorer or a DXpeditioner? And who decides what "prominence" means? We present, on this pages, a random number of personalities - of fame or shame. Judge yourself.
A gallery of legendary operators
compiled by Mike Manafo, K3UOC & WH2D, of the Marianas ARC, is to be found at
ext. Link
The "Hall of Fame"
ext. Link a semi-official virtual pantheon of amateur radio, initiated by CW Magazine, assembles the most outstanding personalites of their era - or those who once were considered to be the big guns of their time. Some of them are really unforgotten, the glory of others faded, and a few real pioniers never made it to that list - but such things happen whenever a jury has to decide.
The "Original Famous Hams and ex-Hams List"
one of the most comprehensive of its kind, was compiled by N2GJ & W2SG
ext. Link
Inventors with ham background
Presented by the Highfields Amateur Rasdio Club -
ext. Link
A gallery of legendary operators
compiled by Mike Manafo, K3UOC & WH2D, of the Marianas ARC, is to be found at
The "Hall of Fame"
The "Original Famous Hams and ex-Hams List"
one of the most comprehensive of its kind, was compiled by N2GJ & W2SG
Inventors with ham background
Presented by the Highfields Amateur Rasdio Club -
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