The Return of the Brazilian government against Crusaders Amateur.

The Amateur Radio DXpedition are prohibited from the archipelago of Saint Peter and Saint Paul (PY0S), the archipelago consists of a set of rocky islands located in the northern hemisphere, on the Mid Atlantic ridge (00 ° 55.01 'N and 029 º 20.76 'W, about 1100 km from the city of Natal - RN and 520 km from the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha - EP). It is the nearest point of Brazil of Africa, lying about 1820 km from Guinea Bissau. This is a remote group of islands near the equator, which occupies an area emerged about 17,000 m2, whose maximum elevation is 18 m above sea level.
The Aqruipélago of St. Peter and St. Paul is in 16th place in 2011 DXCC list of most wanted entities.
The prohibition that is published on the website of SERCIM ( Link ) - Secretariat of the Interministerial Commission for Sea Resources that coordinates and controls the PROGRAM ARCHIPELAGO OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL, came as a surprise to the Amateur Radio Service. SECIRM participate in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Ministry of Education (MEC), Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Ministry of Environment (MMA), Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA) and the Navy of Brazil.
The Federal LABRE DX and some groups in Brazil have shown a true outrage on Social Networks on the Internet. There is already a great mobilization on the part of Amateur Radio with the Brazilian Federal Senators and Representatives to try to reverse the decision to ban DXpedition to PY0S. The biggest concern among hams is that this decision could open a precedent for restrictions on other entities in Brazil as in other parts of the world.
The Teresina DX Group adds to this mobilization and disclaims any decision by government agencies that may restrict or hinder the development of Amateur Radio in our country.
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