Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sint Maarten PJ7PT DXpedition-March 2012

Sint Maarten PJ7PT DXpedition-March 2012

       Welcome to the PJ7PT Sint Marteen 2012 DXpedition web site, where we'll give you more information about our trip to St. Maarten - one of the most beautiful and well-known Caribbean Islands.Wikipedia Sint Maarten
      We're planning to stay there for 14 days between the 5th and 18th of March 2012. Our goal is to make as many QSO's as possible, have some fun and enjoy a bit of a break on this magnificent Caribbean Island!  

With a good propagation forecast for March 2012, efforts will be made to give this entity to DXers on as many bands and modes as possible.

ll of our team will be kept fully occupied and we will run at least two stations during our fourteen days on the island. 
We plan to be active around-the-clock using CW / SSB and RTTY modes (from 160 to 6m). 

    We hope to be granted a 60M Band license too, but this is still to be confirmed. Our location will be Oyster Pond on the east side of the Island with a clear path to Europe, also good directions to Asia and USA. 
    ITU ZONE : 11  CQ ZONE : 8    IOTA : NA-105  TIME ZONE : -4hrs UTC

           Grid : FK88LB Long : -63.0226 W (-63° 1' 21'' W)   Lat : 18.0514 N   (18° 3' 5'' N)

       We will be happy if you are successful in making a contact with us while we are there.
   Hope to hear you in the pile-ups. 


1601828 or 1824--- ---
30 10104---10135
20 140241418314082
17 180891814318103
10 280242848328082
6 5010650130---

Note: The CW listening frequency will always be UP (except on 160m), from 1kHz to 2kHz up depending on the pile-up size. However on 160m CW where the listening frequency will be down, the actual split will be announced. Please follow the instructions.


1 - Elecraft K3/100
1 - Elecraft K2/100
1 - Kenwood TS-590S
1 - ICOM IC-756
1 - ACOM 1010 (700W) HF Amplifier
2 - Solid State (500W) HF Amplifiers

1 - 5 Band Yagi Spiderbeam
1 - Aluminium Telescopic Mast 10m HD Spiderbeam
1 - Vertical for 160/80m
1 - 2 phased Vertical for 40m (1/4 wave) made by SP3GEM
1 - 2 phased Vertical for 30m (1/4 wave) made by SP3GEM
1 - 4el 5 Band YAGI 20 - 10M
1 - 2el Yagi 17/12M made by SP3GEM
1 - Aluminium Mast 8m 
1 - R7 40 -10M Vertical
1 - Aluminium Mast 4m
1 - Double Half-Delta Loop "TX3A" RX antenna
1 - Short Beverage 

4 - Laptops computers and radio control cables
9 - Band pass filters WARC included 
1 - Software; Win-test 4.9.1, and MMTTY plug-in 
2 - RTTY Interfaces made by SP3CHT
1 - Antenna analyzer VNA3p
1 - 280m of RF-5 coaxial cable and a lot of more...

QSL Manager:
Wojciech Klosok SP9PT

P.O.Box 131
44-200 Rybnik

If you wish to request your QSL card direct, please follow the instructions below.
Minimum requirement:
  • Self Addressed Envelope (SAE) and 2US$ or 1 IRC for up to 3 QSL cards (20g letter)
  • 3US$ or 3 IRC are needed for more than 15 QSO or more than 3 QSL cards.
Cards received without SAE and/or not enough postage will be answered via bureau

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