After all, what makes this particular contest unique is the special gift for the winner! (take a look to the prize page)
In this point we have to mention all the Greek amateurs who are working to make this event alive: SV1DPI, SV1NK, SV2AGW,SV2DCD, SV5BYR, SV7JAR, SV8CS, SV8RX, SV9GPV, SV9DJO…
There is still a lot of work to be done and more details to be announced. Stay tuned!
The Rules
1. Objective:
A triathlon is a multi-sport event involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance events. The word "triathlon" is of Greek origin from τρεις or trei (three) and αθλος or athlos (contest). While many variations of the sport exist, triathlon, in its ham form, involves the three most popular modes RTTY, SSB and CW. Triathletes compete for the biggest score in its Radio Amateur variation. Amateurs around the world will try to be the Ironham (the winner in original Triathlon called Ironman) and contact other amateurs in as many countries as possible and as many Greeks amateurs as possible.
2. Date:
from 00:00 UTC until 23:59 UTC of Saturday, the 1st full weekend of February, every year.
3. Mode:
RTTY – SSB – CW as follows: from 00:00-07:59 UTC only RTTY, from 08:00-15:59 UTC only SSB, and from 16:00-23:59 UTC only CW.
4. Bands:
10,15,20,40 and 80 meters according IARU band plan.
5. Categories
SOAB Single Operator All Bands All Modes.
SOABRTTY Single Operator All Bands only RTTY
SOABSSB Single Operator All Bands only SSB
SOABCW Single Operator All Bands only CW
Team Triathlon (One separate operator in every mode –A list of a team's members must be received by the contest manager by the time the contest begins in
Remote receivers and transmitters are allowed if remote receiver and remote transceiver are in same DXCC entity and are not more than 150 Km far one from the other.
Any public QSO alerting assistance is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, DX Cluster-type networks, local or remote Skimmer and/or Skimmer-like technology and reverse beacon network.
6. Call:
7. Exchange:
Stations from Greece send SV. All others send RST + CQ zone.
8. Points
1 point for every QSO with your continent.
2 points for every QSO outside your continent.
5 points for every QSO with a Greek station
9. Multipliers:
DXCC entities per band and mode plus the Greek stations per mode worked (everyone who sends SV) regardless of band.
10. Final score:
Sum of points multiplied by the total of multipliers.
11. Awards
Certificate and plaque at the winner of Triathlon in the World (the Ironham), and 10 days in a Greek island hotel for the winner and a member of his family all paid except tickets.
Certificate at the winner of RTTY in every continent.
Certificate at the winner of SSB in every continent.
Certificate at the winner of CW in every continent.
Certificate at the winner team of Triathlon in the World (the Ironteam).
Certificate at the first in Triathlon in any DXCC entity (we should receive at least 3 logs and the first should have more than 100 qsos to qualify).
Certificate at the first Greek Ironham.
Committee can award more participations.
12. Logs
Logs must be submitted as Cabrillo to the until 15 of March in the same year. Cabrillo head must be TRIATHLON-DX-CONTEST.
SWL logs are also accepted either in Cabrillo either in ASCII. If these are in ASCII should contain date, time (in UTC), band and both stations heard. You should send also a summary sheet with the score, your name and address. Every received log will beconfirmed by email.
Every participant accepts committee’s decisions as final and confirms that he has operated according his license rules. He accepts also that Committee can public his log if it is needed.
Questions to Contest’s manager at email
The prize for the 1st winner only is:
10 days ALL PAID for the winner plus a person (except tickets and transportations) at
one of 7 "XENOS" Group Hotels in Zante island Greece
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