EFC 2012 on the Air
In 2012, both Poland and Ukraine will be the joint hosts of the European Football Championship which is called 'EURO 2012'.
This great football sporting event is the third largest sports event in the world, and it is the first time the event will be held in Poland and Ukraine.
Sixteen European football nations were selected after the tournament qualifiers, representing all European countries. Each National football team will be playing for the magnificent European Trophy and of course to win in the four stadiums in Poland and the four stadiums in Ukraine.
The stadiums hosting EURO-2012 tournament are located in the following cities:
- Poland: Gdansk, Poznan, Warsaw and Wroclaw
- Ukraine: Kharkiv, Donetsk, Kiev and Lviv
The opening ceremony and the first football match of EURO 2012 will take place on June 8th 2012 at the National Stadium in Warsaw, Poland, with the final match taking place at the stadium in Kiev on July 1st 2012.
As radio amateurs operating around the world, we can take an active part in the promotion of various cultural, academic and sporting activities on the "airwaves of amateur radio'. As we recall, such radio activities took place in 2006 by German radio amateurs in connection with the World Cup football games. And again in 2008, both Austrian and Swiss radio amateurs organized and operated many special event stations in EURO 2008 with a special event Award program offered.
In 2012, Polish and Ukrainian amateurs, affiliated with PZK and UARL, are promoting the EURO 2012. The Awards program, held from 1 June to 5 July 2012, will activate many special event amateur radio stations and special certificates will be offered.
Details of the individual special event stations "EFC2012 on the Air" and their operators, with whom QSOs are valid for Awards, can be seen in the "EFC2012 Stations" subpage.
We invite all amateur radio operators, as well as SWL's, to participate in our diploma program promoting EURO 2012 and football sporting events on the airwaves of amateur radio.
"EFC 2012 on the Air" Team
Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)
and Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL)
In the "EFC2012 on the AIR" award program you can earn three diplomas:
Requirements of diplomas are presented below.
Polish EFC2012 Award - issued by the PZK
Ukrainian UR-SP EFC2012 Award - issued by UARL
Second Ukrainian 2012 EFC Award issued by (KRARS) Kharkiv Regional Amateur Radio Society, EM2012L
Universal application for EFC2012 awards
European Football Championship
2012 Award
Award Rules
2012 Award
Award Rules
1. The Polish Amateur Radio Association (PZK) issues an award in collaboration with the Ukrainian Amateur Radio Association (UARL), in a joint effort during the European Football Championship EURO 2012 which takes place in Poland and in Ukraine.
2. This activity is carried out under the honorary auspices of The Polish Football Association (PZPN).
3. This activity takes place from June 1st to July 5th, 2012. During this period, radio amateurs may collect points needed to obtain the Award.
4. To obtain the award, the following number of points need to be collected:
40 points - SP and UR stations;
25 points - European stations;
15 points - DX stations.
5. QSOs with the following organizing stations are 2 points each:
* PZK: SN2012PZPN, HF2012EFC, 3Z2012EFC, SN2012GD, SN2012PO, SN2012WA, SN2012WR
* UARL: EM2012EFC, EN2012EFC, EO2012EFC, EN2012L, EN2012I, EN2012W, EN2012U
while QSOs with any other station operating in the "EFC-2012 on the air" program are 1 point.
• It is allowed to repeat a QSO with a given station once on another band or mode.
• A special distinction in the form of an "EXCELLENT" sticker will be provided for QSOs with all organizing stations listed above and additionally with 60 other stations from Poland and Ukraine taking part in the "EFC-2012" program.
6. Short wave listeners are also eligible for the award after meeting the same point requirements as amateur radio operators.
7. Certificate fees.
• The award in electronic form (in .pdf form) is free.
• The award in paper form is free for PZK and UARL members and club stations from Poland and Ukraine.
• The cost for a paper award for other stations is: 20 złoty/ 5 Euro/ 6 USD/ 6 IRC.
The fee should be paid to the PZK HQ bank account: PL 33 1440 1215 0000 0000 0195 0797, Nordea Bank Polska S.A. with the annotation: „EFC2012” and one's own call-sign.
8. Applications for the Award should be made by electronically by submitting a form from the Internet web page
E-mail address: ot01@pzk.org.pl
QSL cards are not required - the verification of the application is based on electronic logs of organizing stations, after having received the award fee (if required).
9. Award applications shall be made before December 31st, 2012.
Version of the award rules for download in PDF format:
UR-SP EFC 2012"
Award Rules
Award Rules
1. "UR-SP EFC 2012" Award is issued by Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL) in cooperation with Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) in honor of European Football Championship EURO-2012 in Poland and Ukraine.
2. Terms of the Award fulfillment: June 1 - July 5, 2012.
3. Basic conditions:
EUROPE: 50 QSOs with Amateur radio stations from the countries-finalists of UEFA EURO 2012 (see Addendum). It is obligatory to apply at least 1 /one/ QSO with every of 16 countries;
DX: DX - 25 QSOs with Amateur radio stations from the countries-finalists of UEFA EURO 2012 (see Addendum). It is obligatory to apply QSOs with at least 10 /ten/ of 16 countries;
The missing QSOs could be compensate by QSOs with Special event stations of Poland and Ukraine.
4. Duplicate QSOs are not allowed.
5. Listeners (SWL) apply for the Award on the same conditions.
6. Award fees:
- Electronic Award is free of charge for all applicants;
- Paper Award is free for all UARL and PZK members as well as for all UR/SP Club stations;
- Paper Award fee for all other stations - 20zl/5 Euro/6 USD/6 IRC.
Payments should be sent to the UARL Award Manager: Olexander M. Senchurov, p.o. Box 1669, Kryvyi Rig, 50038, Ukraine.
7. All applications should be sent by e-mail to: krolru@ukr.net QSL cards are not required, the extract from the log-book would be enough.
8. The applications will be accepted until December 31, 2012.
List of countries - entrants of final stage of UEFA EURO-2012:
9A, CT, DL, EA, EI, F, G, I, OK, OZ, PA, RA (RA2, RA9), SM, SP, SV, UR.
Version of the award rules for download in PDF format:
Award Rules
KRARS 2012 EFC Award
KRARS 2012 EFC Award
1. The award is issued by the KRARS (Kharkiv Regional Amateur Radio Society) in honor of EFC 2012 in Kharkov.
2. It will be awarded to stations (S.W.L inc.) who will provide sufficient evidence of contacts with Special stations from Kharkov as follows:
2.1. Dates: 01.06.2012 – 01.07.2012
2.2. At least 20 points or 12 QSO must be achieved.
2.3. No doubles on band are allowed.
2.4. All modes and frequencies of HAM RADIO QSO's are allowed.
3. For points version:
Contacts with special station EM2012EURO are 3 points.
Contacts with special stations EM2012L, EN2012L, EO2012L are 2 points.
Contacts with other special stations from Kharkov are 1 points.
Calls: EM2012LL, EM2012LS, EM2012LWY,EN2012LTX,EO2012LBL, EO2012LD, EO2012LE, EO2012LX, EO2012LF, EO2012LN.
4. When using only than only 50 MHz and is higher the award enough to carry out 3 QSO with special stations of Kharkov.
5 .Award manager: Tokar Igor, US0LW
6. Fees: 5 IRC or 5 USD
7. WebMoney payment is possible. On this matter contact to the award manager.
Please send your contacts list & request signed by 2 licensed amateurs to: Igor Tokar US0LW, P. O. Box 2009, Kharkov, 61202, Ukraine.
E-mail address: us0lw@mail.ru
8. Last date to apply: 31.12.2012
Info by Boris UT7UT
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