Friday, June 22, 2012

WG4Y, I am eleven years old and am an amateur extra class radio operator

My name is Rebekah and my callsign is WG4Y. I am eleven years old and am an amateur extra class radio operator. I got my technician license in July of 2001 when I was eight. My first callsign was KG4OPC (Kangaroos Go 4 Odd Purple Cows). It took me a year to upgrade to extra, but I finally made it.
I love talking on the radio and had been hoping to make DXCC before I turned 10. I didn't make it, but I did at least work DXCC while I was still 9. I finally got my DXCC in August of 2003 at ten years old. Thanks to all of those who have returned qsl cards so quickly. I have worked over 150 countries. I am currently working on my 5 band DXCC, I have a feeling that is going to take longer than the first one though. :0)

My dad (NN4C) was the one who got me interested in ham radio. My mommy (WN4C) got her first license on the same day that I did. I was actually the one who got her interested. That makes me her Elmer. I have two older brothers and an older sister. Only my older sister, Christal, is licensed though. Her call is KG4WYN.

I am a member of the Birmingham DX Club and the Birmingham Amateur Radio Club (BARC). I am also the net control for the BARC Kid's Net. If there are any kids in the Birmingham area that would like to check-in, the kid's net meets on 146.880 at 7:00pm on Monday nights.

I was appointed to a new position in January 2004. I am now the ARRL Alabama Assistant Section Manager for Youth Activities. I am excited about this position. I am hoping to get more kids involved in amateur radio. Not only do I try to involve kids with my kid’s net, but I will also be holding youth forums at some of the hamfests coming up in Alabama this year. I have helped out with demonstrations for the scouts and tell everyone who will listen how much fun amateur radio is. I would also love to hear any suggestions on other ways to involve kids in amateur radio.

I have discovered some very good books for kids involving amateur radio this year. A good book for the younger kids is "Radio Rescue" by Lynne Barasch. This book was written about her dad, Bob Marx, who was licensed in 1923 at the age of ten. I have had a chance to communicate with both Mrs. Barasch and Mr. Marx and they are both very sweet people. I have also been fortunate enough to communicate with another author who writes stories about amateur radio. Her name is Cynthia Wall and her books are great for all ages. She has several books that she has written. Her most current books are "Night Signals", "A Spark to the Past", "Easy Target", "Disappearing Act", and "Hostage in the Woods". "Night Signals" has even been translated into Thai. She was kind enough to send me a copy of it, which I will always treasure even if I can’t read it. :0) She also wrote one called "Firewatch!", but it is out of print.

My other hobbies include reading, writing, painting, chess, ballet, photography, football, singing in the choir, collecting stamps and qsl cards, of course.
I hope to talk to you on the air soon!
73, Rebekah

Hi, my name is Rebekah and I am sixteen years old. I got my technician license in July of 2001 when I was eight. My first callsign was KG4OPC (Kangaroos Go 4 Odd Purple Cows). It took me a year to upgrade to extra, but I finally made it. :-) I love talking on the radio and have finally confirmed 110 entities. I finally got my DXCC certificate in August of 2003, now I have to work on 5 band DXCC. :-) Thanks to all of those who have returned qsl cards so quickly. I have worked over 150 countries, if only I can get them all confirmed now. :-)

My dad (NN4C) was the one who got me interested in ham radio. My mommy (WN4C) got her first license on the same day that I did. I was actually the one who got her interested, so I am her elmer. I have two older brothers (Jeffery and Joey) and an older sister (Christal). My sister's callsign is KG4WYN.

I am a member of the Birmingham DX Club and the president of the Perry County Amateur Radio Club.

I also have a new appointment that I am very excited about. I am the ARRL Assistant Director for the Southeastern Division, working with Greg Sarratt, W4OZK. I served as the ARRL AL ASM for Youth Activities for 4 years with him.

My other hobbies include reading, writing, painting, chess, ballet, photography, collecting stamps, drama, volleyball and singing in the choir.

I would like to go on a dxpedition some time. I think it would be a lot of fun.

Check out my website at

I hope to talk to you on the air soon! :-) 73, Rebekah

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebekah,,,
    Nice to read ur profile there... hope sometimes meet in the air.
    73, Kevin
