Sunday, April 1, 2012

AT2DW, Bet Shankhodar Island, AS-175

About AS-175

Bet Shankhodhar a.k.a Bet Dwarka Island is located at the mouth of the Gulf of Kutch and archaeological evidence suggests that it played a significant role in maritime activities in the past. The island of Bet Dwarka is situated in Okhamandal sub-division of Jamnagar district of the state of Gujarat. It is 3 kms. away from the mainland and the nearest port is Okha. It is 13 kms long (NW-SE) and 4 kms wide. The southeastern part of the island consists of high cliffs and clayey beaches, while to the northwest is a low lying area with fine sandy beaches. The vegetation includes shrubs, cactus and a few neem trees. Some land is cultivated.

Bet Dwarka is famous for its temples dedicated to Lord Krishna and is of great importance in the ancient Hindu tradition. It and other coastal sites have ample antiquities, mainly potsherds, suggesting maritime trade and commerce with the Mediterranean countries around the Christian era. This flourishing harbor and religious capital is believed to have submerged under the sea after Krishna left Dwarka for Vaikunth.


Longitude : 69.104 E (69° 6′ 14” E)
Latitude : 22.4434 N (22° 26′ 36” N)
Grid: ML42nk

QSL Info

QSL via VU2SWS – Note that cards would be designed and printed after the expedition. This could take up to 2-3 months time. Direct card requests via OQRS would be attended to first, followed by direct mail requests and eventually buro requests. Please do not send cards via Buro. Just fill up the buro card request form on the ClubLog page and we will send you a card via buro.

LoTW uploads will happen within 1 month after the end of the expedition.

Following instructions need to be complied with when requesting QSLs

Direct – We prefer OQRS option provided by ClubLog. Please follow instructions on the ClubLog page for requesting your direct card. When ordering direct, please note that we do not require your card.

Alternately direct postal requests to VU2SWS via CBA with sufficient return postage.

LoTW – All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW within one month after the end of the expedition i.e by 30th April, 2012.

Buro – requests received via the ClubLog page will be answered after all direct card requests have been answered. This could be anywhere from 5-6 months after the end of the expedition. Please be patient!

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