Thursday, April 5, 2012


אגודת חובבי הרדיו בישראל

Shalom OM's & YL's
We also have the honor to invite you for the 21 time in a row, to participate in the annual Holyland contest.
Each year, more radio amateurs from all continents & countries world wide, participate in this extraordinary contest. 
Each one hopes to add some new squares to his existing collection in order to obtain the most exquisite Award.
Therefore, it is with the greatest pleasure that, we announce the Holyland Contest 2012, And invite all Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners, to participate.
Please Your attention to the Contest starting time:
This years contest will start on Friday 20 and end on Saturday 21 April 2012 from 21.00 UTC until 21.00 UTC.
Special Trophies and New certificates will be issued to participating Radio Amateurs and SWL’s for different classes and modes of operation.
We are happy to announce that last years, digital modes were a huge success as well, and will continue with this mode in the present contest.
As usual, we invite, the entire Amateur Radio Community to be on the bands, knowing full well, that propagation at times is not in our favor, nevertheless we will demonstrate and exercise, the spirit of friendship
between all Radio Amateurs.
Thanking you for your cooperation, see you in the “pile-ups”.
Good luck in the contest!
Best 73's and Shalom
Mark Stern, 4Z4KX/4Z0X Moshe Inger, 4Z1PF
Contest Manager I.A.R.C. President I.A.R.C

Friday 20 of April - Saturday 21 of April 2012
starting on 21.00UTC - 21.00 UTC

The Aim: 
To promote contacts between Radio Amateurs around the globe and Israeli Hams.
To aid Amateurs to achieve the "Holyland Award" and other Israeli awards.

1. Eligibility
 All licensed amateurs and SWL's worldwide.

2. Object
 To contact as many different Israeli amateur radio stations on as many bands, and from as many 'Areas' as possible in different modes CW, SSB, DIGITAL.

3. Period 
Start: Friday 20 of April 2012, 21.00 UTC.
End: Saturday 21 of April 2012, 21.00 UTC.

4. Categories:
a. Single operator -MIX (all bands).
b. Single operator - SSB only (all bands).
c. Single operator - CW only (all bands).
d. Single operator – Digital mode (RTTY, PSK31) (all bands).
e. Single operator - QRP 10w (all bands).
2. Multi operators - single transmitter, all modes, all bands
3. Short Wave Listeners – SWL.

5. Modes 
CW; SSB; Digital; MIX. (Mixed = minimum 2 modes).

6. Bands 
1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz.
According to the IARU Region-I recommendations: 3.50-3.56, 3.60-3.65, 3.70-
3.80, 14.00-14.06, 14.125-14.300, 21.00-21.08, 21.20-21.40, 28.00-28.10, 28.50-
28.80 MHz.

7. Exchange 
Worldwide stations send RS(T) + QSO number starting with 001.
Israeli stations give RS(T) and 'Area'.

8. Valid QSO 
The same station may be contacted in CW, SSB and Digital mode on each band.
It is thus possible to make up to 18 valid QSO's with the same station if worked in CW, SSB, and Digital on each band.
Digital mode users may work either RTTY or PSK31,but only once on each band.
RTTY and PSK31 are the same Digital mode.
Neither Cross-Mode nor Cross- Band contacts are permitted.

9. QSO Points: 
a. 2 points for each QSO on 1.8 - 3.5 - 7 MHz,
b. 1 point for each QSO on 14 - 21 - 28 MHz.

10. Multipliers 
One multiplier for each 'Area' worked once per band.
Note: A district 'Area'. See explanation below.

11. Final score
 To calculate the final score, multiply the sum of QSO-points on all bands with the sum of multipliers worked on all bands.

12. Logs
 ELECTRONIC Logs and PAPER Logs are acceptable.
a. Electronic logs must be in ASCII text format on 3.5”, 1.44 MB disks, or recommended Cabrillo format in standard ASCII file sent by e-mail.
b. Handwritten paper logs are acceptable. Separate logs for each band & mode.
c. Each entry shall report: Time UTC, call sign, band, mode, RS(T)S, QSO number sent, RS(T)R ('Area' received) and points.
d. SWL's shall report on Israeli stations only: UTC, band, mode, callsign, stations worked, RS(T), 'Area' sent and points.

13. Summary sheet:
a. Please use the official "Holyland Contest" summary sheet, available on the IARC Contest Web site.
b. All entries must be followed by a summary sheet showing station callsign, contest category, name of operator(s), address and e-mail.
c. A summary sheet shall list the number of multipliers and points scored from each band worked, the final score. & a declaration of compliance with rules of contest and own Amateur Radio License.
d. All actions and decisions of the Holyland Contest Committee are official and final.
e. Entries must be postmarked not later than May 31, 2012 and sent to:
Contest Manager 4Z4KX,
Israel Amateur Radio Club,
Box 17600, Tel Aviv , 61176.
Or by e-mail: 4Z4KX@IARC.ORG

14. Prizes:
1. A trophy for the overall winners-Multi Ops.
2. A trophy for the overall winner- MIX - Donor "Holyland DX Group".
3. A plaque for the overall winner- CW - Donor "4X-FOC Members".
4. A plaque for the overall winner- SSB - Donor 4Z4KX in memory of 4X1OZ.
5. A plaque for the overall winner- QRP
6. A plaque for the overall winner- Digital mode.
7. A plaque for the overall winner- SWL.
8. A plaque for each continental winner - only highest scores.
9. Certificates will be awarded to the top scorers in each country or state, provided a minimum of 50 valid QSO's points has been reached.
10. Trophies and Plaques will be awarded to the top scorers in their Winning Categories only when the minimum of 50 valid QSO's points has been reached.

15. Special Operation
a. Israeli mobile stations may move and change their location during the contest, into 5 different 'Areas', restricted to an operating time of at least one full hour per 'Area'.
b. The operation from each 'Area' gives that station the status of a different station with another call, thus giving additional contest points and multipliers.
c. To identify its different location / 'Area', those stations will change their callsigns by adding a number after their prefix. For example 4X4JU will use 4X41JU, 4X42JU...4X45JU or 4X6JS will use 4X61JS, 4X62JS etc.

1) The square system:
The country is divided geographically, by the Survey Department of Israel, into a grid system resulting in squares of 10 by 10 Kilometers. North to South coordinates are identified by numbers, while West to East coordinates are identified by letters. The square is defined through the combination of the relevant coordinates i.e. E14.
2) The Administrative System:
The country is divided into 23 administrative regions and regions are not multipliers!
Here is a list of the Regions and their respective abbreviations:
Akko AK Hagolan HG Kinneret KT Telaviv TA
Ashqelon AS Haifa HF Petah Tiqwa PT Tulkarm TK
Azza AZ Hasharon HS Ramallah RA Yarden YN
Beer Sheva BS Hebron HB Ramla RM Yizreel YZ
Bethlehem BL Jenin JN Rehovot RH Zefat ZF
Hadera HD Jerusalem JS Shekhem SM
3) The 'Areas' (multipliers):
An 'Area' (multiplier) is made up from the 10 by 10 km. grid reference square and the region.
For example: F15TA, E14TA, H08HF. The 'Area' is the basis for the "Holyland Award" and the "Holyland DX Contest". For that purpose the 'Area' must contain land and only that land or any waterway in that 'Area' is considered to be the 'Area'.
4) Region Boundaries:
The region boundaries are drawn in an arbitrary manner so that often the 10 km grid reference square does cover more than one single region. For example, the square H08 lies partly in the region of Haifa, partly in the region of Hadera and partly in the region of Yizreel. As a result one may work, in the same square, three different Areas - H08HF, H08HD and H08YZ.
5) Maps:
The Israel Survey Department has printed the following maps:
1) Country Road Map with a 1:250.000 scale, comprising 2 sheets.
2) Country Road Map with a 1:100.000 scale, comprising 6 sheets.
3) Region Map with a 1:250.000 scale, comprising 2 sheets.
4) Digital Holyland Squares Map on the Web Site:
The Electronics files should be named after participant's callsign for example:
All logs received by e-mail will be confirmed by e-mail.
Best 73's & Shalom,

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